The Best Meat Trading Co., and Specialized Meat B2B
The best meat trading company and specialised B2B meat marketplace MEET MEAT AND TRADE, is a unique B2B MARKETPLACE, specialised in connecting and supporting 100% verified end buyers and suppliers in the import/export meat market, seeking to reduce and/or eliminate the effects of freelancers, brokers, speculators and fraudulent companies that could affect the normal price evolution of the meat market
We must face it…! Every year we are looking for new and fresh contacts in the meat sector, either on the buying side or on the selling side, that’s why all the Meat Expo fairs present themselves as the best way and platform to connect with each other (and even some time, we attend some of them), BUT…. We also have to face it, it’s profitable, refreshing, worthwhile, but also exhausting isn’t it? We wish we could be so easy to attend and just do it:
- Refresh our partner networks
- Meet new BUYERS
- Meet new SELLERS
- Close deals
- Open up new markets and opportunities in the meat sector
- Be more competitive after the show
- And not be so tired or exhausted after the show.
That’s why Meet Meat and Trade comes to life, to facilitate connections between DIRECT buyers and sellers in the meat market, online ALWAYS positioning itself as a great b2b marketplace for the meat sector.
Welcome to the MM&T – B2B marketplace runing 365 days a year.
Connecting its our duty!

We are opening the doors, to all meat processing plants and direct suppliers to connect directly and easily, by following a few simple steps, we are and will be building the future of the meat market
Easily create an account and get up to 4 months FREE ACCESS its easy and take 1 min.
All the info regarding you company as BUYER/SELLER, products your produce or of your interests, contact, and other, so will be easier and more efficient to be found and contacted
Describe what your offer as seller or request as buyer, don’t forget add some photos and specs info.
Receiving notifications about potential deals rather your are buyer (receiving offer) or if your are Seller (receiving request)
Member can start dealing and bidding back to get the best deal possible

MEET MEAT AND TRADE, – B2B Market Place will commit that all members with access to the Marketplace will be 100% verified, rather is.
- BUYERS: Meat processing companies, Sausage companies, Meat processing plants, Stew canning plants, Canning plants, Smoking plants, Deboning plants (acting as buyers of fresh meat for their deboning process), etc.
- SELLERS: Slaughterhouses, deboning plants (acting as a seller to sell their deboned cuts) or Meat Packer
Buyer member with full access to post request and use all finding tolls to make an easy way to search and track those products he could be interested in
Seller member with full access to post offers and find those potential buyers to offer all your products
Information on the latest news from the international meetings and exhibitions sector.
- Direct contact No Intermediates
- Best price, traceability and quality control
- Acces to global markets
- Picking up the whole meat market in your language
- Easy management and low cost of sale or access
USERS: 100% verified users, whether they are buyers (meat companies), sellers
(slaughterhouses, cutting plants and specialised packers).
FAIRS AND TRADE SHOWS: Consolidating our work, we have a wide experience in the Food Expo Fair, in Europe, and continuously visiting to make our network stronger and bigger, attending the fair as visitors:
Sial Paris , Anuga Cologne, Alimentaria Barcelona, Salon Gourmet Madrid, Meatattraction Madrid Spain