MEET MEAT & TRADE SL, is a specialist meat trading company worldwide coming to life in 2018, as a result of decades of experience supplying and trading in the fresh/frozen meat market and we are also a specialist meat trading company involved in the farmed meat sector connecting farmers and meat suppliers mainly around the EU with slaughterhouses in the live market.

As result of this vision MEET MEAT & TRADE SL, is a specialised meat trading company that evolves according to current expectations, bringing together the best of the 2 forms of trading.   


The classic and most common form of trading where you have a specialised trading team trading team that handles your needs to sell meat (Special Offer or Surplus Stocks) or request to buy (Raw Materials Fresh or Frozen meats) in the meat market always developing new and improved supply and communication systems, we are a meat trading company that provides each and every one of our customers with the best quality and the most competitive prices.

    • Meat Buyers – We Receive all your enquiries and raw material needs (Specifications, Packaging, Quantity, etc)
    • Meat Buyers – Sending our best offers according to your needs in quality, quantity & price. 
    • Meat Vendors and Suppliers – Receiving offers or Surplus stocks to handle according to the needs of our meat buyers.
    • Meat Sellers and Suppliers – Sending you all inquiries according to our buyers and their raw material needs.

At this point we can assure you that you have found the right specialist meat trading company to satisfy each and every one of your needs in the meat and food market.


The only B2B meat marketplace and platform where you can place your offer and trade enquiry directly with the end buyer or direct meat suppliers with 100% verified users. 

    • Users/meat buyers can make enquiries and these will be viewes by direct meat suppliers with 100% verified users.
    • Users/ meat buyers can search for available meat products offered by other sellers from all over the world.
    • Users/meat sellers can submit special offers or surplus stock, and these will be viewed directly by buyers.
    • Users/meat sellers can search for quotes and find suitable buyers at any time. 
    • Meat buyers and sellers can interact directly without intermediaries.
Only verified members will have access to the marketplace. The best of the most powerful tool in the meat trade at your service in one place! Connecting is our duty.
Meat Marketplace team closing a deal with a meat supplier
the Meat Marketplace establishes a worldwide network of contacts